​True Reflections Christian Counseling

What Robs Your Joy?



  • ​Responding to stressful circumstances in ways that hurt you and those you love
  • Viewing life through a lens of rejection, loss, or pain
  • Experiencing chronic physical pain
  • Symptoms of emotional pain such as anxiety and depression
  • Confusion, exhaustion, or mental anxiety resulting from over-thinking or over-analyzing
  • Seeking approval or value from others
  • Dishonoring yourself or others with criticism, disapproval, or judgmental attitudes
  • Living with the effects of trauma
  • Inability to express your heart effectively or accurately
  • Marital strife



Anger and resentment
Biblical counseling
Communication issues
Depression and anxiety
Disruptive behavior patterns
Grief and sorrow
Individual counseling
Intimacy issues
Marital Conflict
Marriage & Family therapy
Marriage coaching
Mind renewal
Negative thought patterns
Parenting issues
Progressive Sanctification coaching
Restoration of joy
Spiritual growth

​​​True Reflections provides counseling services to individuals, couples and families, reflecting Christian values from a biblical perspective.  Counseling sessions at True Reflections are designed to provide help and healing to hurting individuals, couples and families so that lives may be transformed and give glory to God.

"Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will " Romans 12:2